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Health Line. Must read.!!

A quick test to determine whether your wound needs stitches is to wash the wound well and stop the bleeding, and then pinch the sides of the wound together. If the edges of the wound come together and it looks better, you may want to consider getting stitches.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dealing with chronic fatigue

Are you always fatigued, have disturbed sleep, and persistent muscle pain among other symptoms? It could be chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is characterised by prolonged fatigue which results in noticeable reduction in occupational, social and personal activities. CFS is not a new disorder and the term 'nervous exhaustion' has been applied to symptoms similar to CFS earlier. The disorder mostly affects individuals between 40 to 50 years, with women being more vulnerable, but children and adolescents too can suffer from CFS. Despite different theories to explain the underlying pathophysiology of the syndrome, none has been proven. Research findings suggest the possibility of dysregulation in the interactions between the immune and the nervous systems. CFS may also be triggered by the combination of an inadequate immune system and physical trauma such as a major surgery, or period of high stress. It could also be familial. Fatigue, particularly in women is often attributed to anemia and nutritional deficiencies. 
The symptoms The prevalent symptom of CFS is profound fatigue for six months or more; it is not improved by bed rest. It worsens by physical or mental activities. The fatigue of CFS is accompanied by symptoms such as loss of memory or concentration, sleep disturbances, persistent muscle pain, multi-joint pain without swelling or redness, headaches, sore throat, tender lymph nodes in the neck and armpits, and extreme tiredness after exercising. Individuals may also suffer from psychological problems such as depression, mood swings and anxiety. The illness is sometimes difficult to diagnose. There are also no characteristic physical signs or laboratory abnormalities in CFS. Some patients may experience partial or complete remission of symptoms, but symptoms often re-occur. Diagnosis is exclusion of other known conditions with similar symptoms such as hypothyroidism, sleep disorders, eating disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, cancer, autoimmune disease, hormonal disorders, subacute infections, obesity and alcohol or substance abuse. Treatment for CFS This focuses on a combination of approaches for symptomatic relief. This includes diet modification, good sleep, and supervised exercise and medications. Recovery is facilitated by adequate rest. Cognitive behavior therapy and graded exercise programmes are effective approaches in CFS patients. The illness is usually nonprogressive and patients usually improve with treatment. Alternatively, breathing techniques, yoga and tai chi, pranic healing and reiki and massage therapy have proved to be helpful.

Beauty Articles

Hair Color Treatments for a Sensitive Scalp

Studies about hair color treatments reveal that 5% of frequent hair dye users are bound to have sensitive scalp or develop allergies in the long run. However, those who already have sensitive skin will see and feel negative effects as soon as harsh chemicals in hair color touch their scalp.

Alternative Remedy for Stretch Marks

Stretch marks generally pose no threat to the health, but since they can be unsightly at times, some people, especially women, choose to have them treated. There are several treatments designed for the reduction of stretch marks in the body, but while they may prove to be effective, they can be hard on the budget at times.

Choosing the Right Shampoo

Gone are the days when shampoo simply did what it was expected to do, which was to clean hair by removing dirt and other buildup on it. But these days, there are many kinds of shampoos to choose from, that anyone shopping for shampoo will have to consider several things to make sure he or she gets the one that is best for his or her specific hair type.

Myths about Aging and Beauty

Aging is always a major concern among people, especially women. And it is an inevitable process that anyone needs to deal with. This further emphasizes the need to know some basic truths about aging in order to make sure that the things you can do will indeed be beneficial.

Dealing with Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are superficial veins that have become enlarged and swollen. Most of the time, they occur in veins at the calves or the inner portion of the legs. Although varicose veins are not very serious, they may result to complications such as bleeding, thrombophlebitis (a painful inflammation of the veins), leg ulcers, skin discoloration, and even eczema. They can be very painful during the day particularly when a person stands for long periods.

Eyelash Aesthetics

Eyelash growth stimulator, as the name implies, helps in increasing the density of one’s lashes. They contain ingredients that promote hair growth from its very root. Before, ophthalmic prostaglandins were the main ingredient for such products. When applied topically to the eye, they help in improving glaucoma.

Eyelash Growth Facts

Like any other body hair, the eyelash grows from hair follicles—pits in the dermis where hair cells rapidly divide causing the shaft to increase in length. It involves three phases namely the anagen, catagen, and telogen stage.

Dired wreath

Dired wreath is just the same as the name suggests. The floral is placed in a controlled environment and allowed to dry naturally. The dried floral used in these wreath will also last for many years and can be used safely without any concern of agents leaking out of the wreath. Thus, in the present era, the most preferred flower wreath is however, the dried or preserved floral.

A discussion on the styles of wedding rings

There are different styles of wedding rings for you to choose from. But the choice is yours what to choose and what would be the perfect match for you.

Weight loss spa

People believe in the exercise, it is the only way to burn the fat in the body till date but when he weight loss spa techniques invented and people are getting better feedback, they are use too with this natural technique. Normally, many people are not able to do regular exercise. On performing exercise, the carbohydrates stored in the body can burn and transform into carbon dioxide and water.

Coconut Oil And Its Healing

The reflection of health within you is seen and felt on the human skin. The healthier you are within the glow your skin will show. There is a historic connection between skin health and coconuts.

The Significance of Sunglasses

Eyes are gifts of Mother Nature and its protection is imperative, thus we take every possible step and pay whatever the price it asks for. Secondly, the human being’s second most focus has always been on the features that make him ritzy-n-glitzy. A clichĂ© is very well said, that teeth gone means personality gone, and eyes gone means world gone.

Cleansers – How To Pick The Right One For You?

Cleansing your face is the primary step of your skin care regimen. Cleansers help to keep your skin clean and fresh. In addition to personal hygiene, cleansers also ensure that other skin care products penetrate efficiently and deliver optimal results.

Anti Wrinkle Cream For Men

Men want to have gorgeous looking and feeling skin just like women. Finding a good anti wrinkle cream for men has become easier than in the past because more of the product makers have learned this is a part of the market that they were ignoring.

How to Search For Best Wrinkle Cream Review

Nowadays, you can find a reliable anti wrinkle cream review on the internet, newspapers or TV. These reviews can be separated into two main categories: the ones written by the company which makes the product and the ones written by the consumers. Let's analyze the situation.

Anti Wrinkle Cream Reviews

Every year, some people do anti wrinkle cream reviews. If you believe them, they have the final answer to all your questions about how to compare anti wrinkle cream.

How to Really Get Rid of Face Wrinkles

This will be the best review on wrinkle cream that you'll ever read. That's because it reveals the truth about most creams for face wrinkles and shares how you can guarantee that you'll find an anti aging cream that will get rid of your face wrinkles.

Homemade Anti Wrinkle Cream

The beauty industry is full of products that smooth and exfoliate skin, reduce the look of lines and wrinkles, and guarantee younger-looking skin with easy applications. However, your kitchen can also be a great place to find all you need in a recipe for homemade anti wrinkle cream.

Latest New Wrinkle Cream in the Market

Science truly is an amazing thing. It seems like each day there are more new, advanced products on the market to choose from. Today, I want to talk about how you can use science to benefit you - mainly, in choosing a new wrinkle cream.

Wrinkle Cream That Works

Are you in search for a new wrinkle cream for those unwanted creases on your skin? Well no wonder you are because everybody wants to look younger and they do deserve to own a wrinkle cream that is efficient in giving productive results to the skin.

Prevent Wrinkles from Anti Aging Wrinkle Cream

An anti aging anti wrinkle cream is something that probably every one of us wants, whether or not that's our first thought when we look for skincare.

Botox Injections for Wrinkles

The botox injection procedure is a non-toxic and non-invasive treatment for wrinkle formations at the selected affected areas of the body. It’s the clostridium botulinum specific bacterium that produces the botox at different sections of the human body.

Cosmetic Surgery Aftercare

The aftercare of the cosmetic surgery is also termed as a cosmetic camouflaging treatment technique that has overtime won many laurels in the field of science.

Plastic Surgery Recuperation

A complete recuperation after many forms of surgical treatments for different body organs is the recovery made positively by a specific patient to overcome post-operative pain syndrome.

Brachioplasty Cosmetic Surgery

Brachioplasty is the term used by the doctors medically to surgically treat the upper arm of the body by lifting the arm and controlling the infected region thereupon.

Plastic Surgery eye Brow Lift

The condition for an eye is delicate in nature to experience tumors of the eye, squamous cell formation near the eye sockets, etc.

Treatment Options for Premature Grey Hair

Given the currently available treatment options it appears that the premature greying process cannot be reversed. There is no scientific evidence that any existing medicine, herb, dietary supplement or natural product can prevent or reverse greying hair. Several cosmetics and pharmaceuticals firms are working on the discovery of the ultimate cure for grey hair but no satisfactory solution is commercially available yet.

Emu Oil - Products and Benefits

This exposes you to around 126 chemicals each and every day! As a global leader in skin care Y-Not knows how important your skin is and that is why we are committed to using only the purest natural ingredients in all of our emu oil products. We understand that you are concerned with what you are putting onto your skin and that you want to look after your skin – not pollute it.

Herbal Hair Loss Remedies That Offer Hope

Online Beauty Products-brings to you a fantastic selection of hair, skin, Face, nail and body care items like Women's & Men’s Fragrances, Women’s & Men’s Skincare and Cosmetics. It is Complete Personal care care and beauty care products online store.

Tattoo Infections

A tattoo piercing is one of the most infectious and painstaking job both for the piercer of the tattoo and to whom the tattoo has to be pierced. One must definitely regret what appears to be a cool idea or a source of entertainment previously.

Beauty and Skin Care Face Creams

The cosmetic products as advance and technologically sound are the one which helps the client to experience a rapid

Organic beauty products are those beauty cosmetics which are made up of green substance and therefore help in the overall well-being of the client

Cosmetic facelift surgeries are performed over the patients who have been facing certain difficulties in maintaining there best looks

Nose piercing has become the body art from many generations as it’s the most commonest but effective way to fashion your way through fashionable worlds
A cosmetic Lip Gloss is that product used primarily used by women as the part of the trend or fashion of the cosmopolitan societies in order to flaunt their charm
The skin Ailments are those ailments of the soft and supple skin type where the delicate surface of the skin is badly affected by the natural environmental factors and in-born diseases of the human body.

Concerned about Dry Skin ? Looking to get Rid of dry skin ? Wondering what has caused the dry skin ? Here are few solutions and home made remedies for dry skin.

Natural Beauty Products are those products which are formed in three different criteria -

Make up tips for Teenagers is a complete guide to understand the need of the teenagers community for applying a light amount of make ups on their face and other respected regions of the body.

Beauty control cosmetics are usually meant for physical attractiveness and determining sexual attractions of a specific individual in a prevailing cosmopolitan societal

Face cleansing is the most easiest form of keeping your skin radiant and vibrant enough to look fresh and young throughout the day.

In order to achieve a radiant and flawless young skin it is very important for the patient to understand their skin types and comply with the things accordingly.

An Ingrown Toe nail fungus is that section of the feet as a part of the body that is tilted or curved downwards and grows or forms inside the soft and thin layer of the skin causing infection.

A cosmetic Lip Gloss is that product used primarily used by women as the part of the trend or fashion of the cosmopolitan societies in order to flaunt their charm and their personalities with specific taste and demand to look complete female with slight changes done on the facial region and Lip gloss (cosmetic) is one of that thing for them.

Here is one Huge List of 121 Tips for Men to look more beautiful, young, healthy and energetic with glowing skin and face.

Though it is highly advisable to take care of your face and skin naturally. We will highly recommend you to check the articles 5 Steps to Take Care of your Aging Skin and 5 Tips to take care of your Aging Face and Skin.

Moles are medically referred to as nevi and are described as bunches of pigmented cells usually tan to dark brown in color, appearing on various parts of the body.

They say nails can give clues about personality. It may be true…or not?! One thing is certain: they definitely give clues about the general health of the individual and act like a very strong accessory for women.

Eye-Vision Articles

Most eye conditions are a result of poor nutrition, so if you want to maintain and enhance your vision, you have to add more eye-healthy food to your diet.

Color blindness may be a common term that we hear, but not everyone understands just how frustrating life could sometimes be for a person who actually has the condition. Known also as a color vision problem, the condition may be inherited or caused by injury to the eye, eye problems, or as the side effect of certain medicines

Astigmatism is a common vision problem, which may occur in people who are not even aware what it is. It is usually typified by a cornea shaped irregularly, although in some cases it may come from the eye lens which are irregularly shaped.

Most eye problems in children are due to accidents and trauma, whereas adults tend to experience eyestrain due to improper use of the eyes and exposure to harmful conditions. Read along to find out tips on taking good care of the eyes for various age brackets.

If you are suffering from eyestrain for weeks or becomes a hindrance to your daily activities, it would be best to consult an eye-care professional or an ophthalmologist for proper diagnosis and management.

knowing the types can never be a reason to wear it. Think rationally and you can feel why a valid prescription from licensed optometrist is must for wearing contact lenses.

Although non prescription lenses used for cosmetic use, hardly need a prescription, if you find any minor infections caused by dust particles, it is recommended to have your eyes checked from an optician.

Innovative materials have allowed contact lenses to be made with an amazing improvement in the rate of oxygen flow to the eyes. Among these lenses is Ciba Vision’s O2 Optix.

Nearly one quarter of contact lens cases in use are never replaced. This is extremely alarming because when they are not properly cared for or discarded, these cases become reservoirs for dangerous bacteria that threaten the health of the contact lens wearer’s eyes.

Contact lenses are now more popular than glasses. Whether worn to enhance vision quality or to enhance one’s appearance, there is a contact lens to suit everyone’s needs. Contact lenses are usually categorized by their firmness, either hard or soft.

Astigmatism is previously corrected with eyeglasses alone. Contact lenses were a no-no during those times, most especially soft ones. However, today even soft contact lenses can improve your vision albeit the astigmatism. In the same manner, the lenses are fitted in the eye to correct the vision. With the use of vertex toric lens, you would be able to have a crispier vision.

Contact lenses are definitely a great alternative to dealing with glasses on a daily basis and many people feel they are worth the extra expense. They tend to be more comfortable and if looked after properly, seldom cause any issues.

So you haven't taken a holiday in quite a while. You're in such a rush to leave behind the daily grind that you forget to pack one of the most important pieces of equipment that a contact lens wearer needs: your contact lens case.

Designer eyeglasses are emerging as not only useful but fashionable eye wear. And as a large population today is suffering from short and far sightedness, the demand of eye glasses is increasing at a fast pace.

For years contact lenses were designed with only function in mind. Anyone with vision problems who didn't want to wear glasses could consult their eye care professional and make the change. Contact lenses were an unnoticeable and convenient way to correct vision.

If you are planning to buy contact lens for the first time, there are only two reasons for it:

Nutritional supplements for Cataract eye disease are the anti-oxidant vitamins and mineral supplements that help the eye opacity to enhance furthermore then what the normal eye view presents to the patient concerned.

LASIK prices differ widely from one provider to another and depend on many factors. The only universal standard is that LASIK and other refractive surgery prices are quoted per eye

Here is a Complete List of all kind of Lasik/Laser eye Surgeries.

`Chemotherapy` is the use of medicines (or drugs) to treat disease. This type of treatment is also called “chemo.” Although surgery and radiation therapy remove, destroy, or damage cancer cells in a specific area, chemotherapy works throughout the body.

Eye Cancer is one of the more rarest form of cancer but can cause severe problem and affects the persons life heavily. In this article, we are covering Eye Cancer and Surgery for it.

Human Eye is one of the most complex body part and in this article, we will be talking about Anatomy of human eye and the various disorders it can have.

Most likely you already be knowing what is Lasik eye Surgery but still in this article, we will be covering the Basic Introductoin to Lasik eye Surgery.

Iridology is the study of the eye’s iris, used to diagnose someone’s state of health and warn patients of potential problems.

We cannot deny the fact that the eyes are the first thing that strikes us when looking at someone for the first time. We might be attracted to the hair of a lady from a certain distance, or to her stature, but when we have her before our eyes, her eyes are likely to draw our attention more than anything else. That is definitely because the eyes tell a lot about people; the look in someone’s eyes alters according to the state of health, age and of course mood.


Imagine a life without hands? We use and abuse it without caring to rejuvenate its energy. It's now time you give your hands a thought and strengthen them to help them serve you for years on end.
The best part about hand exercises is that you can do it anywhere, anytime - while travelling to work, before going to bed, while studying, or even when cooking! Regular exercising of the hands helps relieve arthritis pain and strengthen them, especially against injuries that sportspersons and musicians like pianists, drummers and guitarists face. These exrecises can also allieviate you of pains from carpal tunnel syndrome. They are also beneficial for gymnasts. To begin with, relax your hands by stretching the fingers wide apart until you feel a weightlessness. Bring them back together and repeat for two minutes. Top this by closing your fist and rotating your wrists 10 times in a clockwise, and 10 times in anti-clockwise motion. Next, hold a tennis ball in your hand an squeeze it with a firm grip. Repeat this 10 times with both hands. This is a great way to relieve your hands of stress and improve movement and flexibility. There's one great exercise you can do when at work. Sit firm on your chair at a little less than arm's length from the table, place your hands at the edge of the table, and push only your hands, without making the chair move. Release the tension slowly. Repeat five times. Another way to strengthen your hands is by pressing your palms together as in prayer. Exert pressure from one palm onto the other. Wait till you feel the tension build in your arms and then release slowly. Repeat this exercise 10 times with each palm. It is extremely important that your hands are strong enough to have a firm grip, and for that you need firm wrists. While the usual style of firming wrists is by using grippers, you can use a bar or any conveniently heavy object at home. Start with light weights and slowly increase the heaviness. You can also sit across a table with your wrist dangling off the edge. Then bend your wrist up and down slowly. One great way to enhance finger strength is to write with the "wrong" hand, i.e., if you are a righthander, try writing a few words with your left and vice versa. You can also enhance finger flexibility by closing your fingers into a fist and opening them slowly and wide. Repeat this exercise at least 20 times for great benefit.You can also practice the "O" format of exercise. Join the tip of your thumb with each finger to form an "O". Everytime you release one "O", stretch that finger and relax. Moving up, now slowly start strengthening your shoulders. Stand straight and let your hands dangle next to you. Hold it till you begin to feel a heaviness. Then start moving your hands in small circles and slowly increase it to larger ones. You can also hold a stick in each hand and slowly raise your hands high up without bending your shoulders. This can be done either by sitting, standing or lying down and is extremely effective in curing a cold shoulder.  So gear up, strengthen your hands and enjoy a lifetime of health!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Watch out for stroke symptoms

Neurosurgeon Vikas Gupta discusses the early warning signs of strokes and stresses the importance of seeking medical intervention on time

In the last two decades, incidents of stroke have been rising alarmingly. Already, India is fast becoming the diabetic capital of the world. Obesity is on the rise too. Strokes affect many young and middle-aged people around the age of 40 years, and the real tragedy is that most people have no awareness about this risk. One in six among us may be at risk of strokes. Typical symptoms It is best to know the symptoms of mini strokes or transient ischemic attacks like sudden and temporary loss of vision, numbness or weakness in any one part of the arm, leg, or face, slurring of speech, asymmetry of the face, sudden confusion or trouble in speaking or understanding, trouble in walking, dizziness or lack of balance, or a sudden severe headache with no known cause.

Medically these patients are at the highest risk of an acute stroke, and most can benefit from timely medical treatment if it reaches them in less than four hours. If these minor symptoms are ignored and a full blown stroke is established, then nothing much can be done. The only option left then is to treat the patient by the time-consuming process of physiotherapy. Thus an acute stroke has the potential of rendering even a productive younger member of society incapacitated and handicapped. This can be debilitating for nuclear families and in the Indian scenario, where there is no concept of social security systems.Treating a stroke A mini stroke or TIA should be taken as angina of the brain -- the only difference is an absence of pain. A TIA or transient ischemic attack is a "warning stroke" or "mini-stroke" that produces stroke-like symptoms with no lasting damage. Recognising and treating TIAs can, therefore, reduce your risk of a major stroke. The usual TIA symptoms are the same as those of a stroke, but only temporary. The short duration of these symptoms and lack of permanent brain injury is the main difference between TIA and stroke. Therefore, largely, only the patient can analyse these early symptoms and seek medical help in time. Other preventive measures and precautions include avoiding smoking, and keeping hypertension in control.

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