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Health Line. Must read.!!

A quick test to determine whether your wound needs stitches is to wash the wound well and stop the bleeding, and then pinch the sides of the wound together. If the edges of the wound come together and it looks better, you may want to consider getting stitches.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Burn away acidity and heartburn

Acidity and GERD (gastro-oesophageal reflux disease) are common because of our sedentary lifestyle and fast-food culture. Acid is normally present in our stomach and aids digestion; however, when we irritate our stomach, this useful ally turns an enemy. Acid secretion increases due to infections, drugs, stress, smoking, tobacco, alcohol, strong tea and coffee, or even when food is eaten too hot or spicy, by intake of sour foods, non-vegetarian, and foods difficult to digest like fried food, nuts, Kabuli chana, rajma, coconut, cheese, etc. Acidity presents itself as burning in chest or abdomen, sour eructations, water coming into the mouth, headache, giddiness, etc. Cure for acidity: Acidity can be managed by avoiding all of the above, by eating slowly and chewing thoroughly as this aids digestion, thus reducing the need for acid secretion. Green vegetables and salads are good for controlling acidity. Small meals every four hours are best. Sweetened, cold, but not chilled, rose milk can be had during an attack. Where infection is a cause, antibiotics help, but indiscriminate acid suppression with acid-neutralizing drugs might lead to cancer; or it could interfere with the action of blood-thinning drugs and cause irregular heartbeat due to magnesium deficiency. Consult a doctor if you need frequent medicines for acidity. Surgical techniques are available for severe cases: Controlling GERD Aring-like structure of muscles separates the gullet from the stomach. This prevents the stomach’s contents from regurgitating upwards back into the gullet. If these muscles (sphincter) become weak, it results in heartburn or GERD. Manage GERD by avoiding foods like chocolates, peppermint, alcohol, onions, garlic, fatty foods, carbonated, and caffeinated beverages. Avoid large meals and tight clothing. Fat accumulation in the abdomen exerts pressure on the stomach, so losing weight may help. Never lie down and eat and if you suffer from nighttime attacks.Drugs for acidityhelp. In severe cases, surgery is an option.

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