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A quick test to determine whether your wound needs stitches is to wash the wound well and stop the bleeding, and then pinch the sides of the wound together. If the edges of the wound come together and it looks better, you may want to consider getting stitches.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Nutrition tips in managing waterborne diseases

Five nutrition tips to stay away from waterborne diseases this monsoon

Any microbial infection (bacterial), which is accompanied with fever should be treated with antibiotic therapy to kill the microorganisms, but nutritional support during this phase helps recover faster. 

Feed the diarrhoea and fever. Research indicates that even during diarrhoea the activity of digestive enzymes is intact and feeding helps in boosting the immunity and strength of the individual and helps in faster recovery. The form of food can be changed as per the person’s tolerance. Small frequent nutritional dense (more nutrients in less quantity) foods are recommended. 
The nutrients to be emphasised in all these stages in order of priority are – carbohydrates to provide energy and spare proteins for tissue building as all these states are catabolic in nature. In addition to this giving good quality protein through milk products like curds, paneer, and non-vegetarian options like eggs, fish or soya protein help in better utilisation of proteins in the body. Ensure the food is prepared in such a manner that it is easy to digest and evenly distributed throughout the day. Some options can be porridges, gruels, curd rice, soft puddings, custards, paneer sandwiches, shikran, shrikhand etc. 
Enhance the intake of immune boosting nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin A, zinc, selenium and magnesium. Rainy season is marked with the availability of fruits like amla and guava that are loaded with pectin, vitamin C; bitter gourd – an excellent source of vitamin C; green leaves like patra, mayalu, chaulai, which are excellent sources of Vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, magnesium and calcium. An add on of sprouts, nuts and oilseeds can take care of selenium, zinc, magnesium. 
It is a good idea to use medium chain triglycerides, which are dairy fats like homemade ghee, butter, cream, as they are easy to digest and add to the total caloric intake. It has a lot of importance in individuals recovering from states like diarrhoea, jaundice and typhoid as the person has a poor appetite but yet needs calories and nutrient density to recover faster.


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