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Health Line. Must read.!!

A quick test to determine whether your wound needs stitches is to wash the wound well and stop the bleeding, and then pinch the sides of the wound together. If the edges of the wound come together and it looks better, you may want to consider getting stitches.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cause of fatal paralytic disease discovered

Scientists claim to have discovered the common cause of all forms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a fatal neurodegenerative disease that paralyzes its victims.

The underlying disease process of ALS has long eluded doctors and prevented development of effective therapies. Now, a team at Northwestern University has for the first time discovered that the basis of the disorder is a broken down protein — identified as ubiquilin2 — recycling system in the neurons of the spinal cord and the brain.
Optimal functioning of the neurons relies on efficient recycling of protein building blocks in the cells. In ALS, that recycling system is broken. The cell can’t repair or maintain itself and becomes severely damaged.
In fact, ubiquilin2’s critical job is to recycle damaged or misfolded proteins in motor and cortical neurons and shuttle them off to be reprocessed. In people with ALS, it isn’t doing its job. As a result, the damaged proteins and ubiquilin2 accumulate and cause degeneration of the neurons. Cough may help during heart attack

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